



Sanjeevani Cancer hospital is a Pre Entry N.A.B.H accredited super speciality complete cancer setup, first time introduced in Chhattisgarh 15 years ago.


  • We posses 2 (Basic life support)BLS & 1 (Advanced life support)ALS ambulance well equipped and manned by trained personnel.
  • They both are equipped with a defibrillator, portable ventilator, oxygen cylinder, portable monitor, pulse oximeter, syringe pumps, emergency medicine and specifically trained staff. Its 24-hour emergency and trauma care are geared to meet all medical emergencies.
  • Common functional and medical protocols across the system.
  • Training of doctors and other personnel required for pre-hospital and in-hospital care.
  • Standardised emergency rooms within the hospital.
  • Fully equipped 24/7 blood bank, laboratory, diagnostics and ventilator management
  • Mobile Ultra Sound, X-ray, 2D echo, etc for critically sick & emergency patients
  • State-of-the-art Intensive care unit/operation theatre





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