A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming for many however, the patients must understand that cancer is a treatable condition if detected early.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, you must ask the following questions to your doctor for a better understanding of your condition:
1. Where is the origin of the tumour?
2. Has the tumour spread anywhere?
3. What does my diagnostic report show?
4. What is the best treatment plan for my condition, and what would its goal be?
5. What would be the response to this treatment plan?
6. Will the treatment be painful?
7. What is my long-term prognosis?
8. What are the possible side effects of this treatment?
9. How will the treatment affect my quality of life?
10. How can I keep myself healthy during the treatment?
11. What are the precautions that I should be taking?
12. Is it hereditary? Will my kids get affected?
13. How will this treatment affect my daily life? Will I be able to work, exercise, and perform my usual activities?
14. Can I have a normal diet? Is there any special diet that I should plan for myself?
15. Do I/ family need psychological counselling?