Ophthalmic Oncology

Ocular oncologists at Sanjeevani Cancer Hospital are skilled in diagnosis and treatment for cancers of the eye and surrounding tissues. Using the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods available, we guide patients one-on-one with the best possible outcome.

Advanced Care for Cancer of the Eye and Surrounding Areas

Cancer that develops in the eye or nearby tissues can be complex to treat because vision can be affected. Our eye cancer specialists have extensive training and skill in diagnosing and treating cancer, as well as treating eye conditions (ophthalmology). We provide comprehensive care for the successful treatment of cancer with a full spectrum of diagnosis and preserve sight.

 Our partners include oculoplastic surgeons for reconstructive surgery, as well as oncologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiologists, and ear, nose, and throat surgeons.

Eye Cancers We Treat

  • Choroidal melanoma: Skin cancer that develops in the choroid, the layer behind the retina at the back of the eye
  • Conjunctival tumour: Cancers such as melanoma, lymphoma, and squamous carcinoma that develop in the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the front of the eye and inner eyelids
  • Eyelid tumour: Skin cancer that develops in or on the eyelid
  • Iris tumour: Cancer such as melanoma that develops in the iris, the coloured part of the eye
  • Lacrimal gland tumours: Cancer that develops in the lacrimal (tear) glands, which produce tears
  • Orbital tumour: Cancer that develops within the eye socket, behind the eye, and often causes the eye to bulge outward
  • Retina tumour: Cancer such as retinoblastoma that develops in the retina, the back of the eye where images are focused
  • Tumours metastatic to the eye: Cancer that first develops elsewhere in the body, such as the breast or lung, and spreads (metastasize) to the eye
  • Tumours of the optic nerve: Cancer in, on, or near the optic nerve, which transmits images to the brain
  • Tumours related to leukaemia and lymphoma: Lymphoma (cancer of immune system cells) and leukaemia (cancer of white blood cells) that starts in the eye


Just like in other parts of the body, eyes too can develop tumours. The tumours may be benign or malignant that is, they may isolate in the eye, or spread outside. Eye tumours can threaten the eyesight, and even be fatal for health and life. Ocular oncology is the speciality dealing with eye tumours.

Our eye is a unique structure – treatment of an eye tumour will be planned to cure the tumour as well as restore the structure and function of the eye. The opthalmologist knows the eye. The oncologist knows about cancer. The ocular oncologist has knowledge of the eye as well as cancer; hence ocular oncologist is the best choice to plan treatment of eye cancer. The work is a team effort, including the ocular oncologist, pathologist, medical oncologist for any chemotherapy, and radiation oncologist for radiation therapy.


Most eye tumours are easily visible changes. It is identifiable at an early stage. Treatment can be started in good time, and save the eye and life of the patient.


The tumours affecting the white/black part of the eyeball (the conjunctiva and cornea)


The eyelid tumours appear as nodules or ulcers on the eyelid. Do consult your doctor for a nodule which is not improving with treatment. After removal of the nodule from the eyelid, a pathology testing is essential to identify whether it is a tumour.

Orbital tumours develop behind the eye and can cause a bulging eye, double vision, or loss of vision. Usually, a CT scan or MRI scan is required to identify the presence of a tumour. Only a surgery followed by pathology testing can tell us what kind of tumour it is, and whether further testing and treatment is necessary.


These tumours grow inside the eye and can present with decreased vision.


Retinoblastoma is a life-threatening eye cancer that affects children. India has the highest number of new cases in the World, owing to its large population. The treatment is both expensive and complicated.  If appropriate treatment provided on time, it will be possible to save the child’s life and have vision preserved. 

Our team of oncologists, pediatric, retinal and oculoplastic specialists can ensure that every child receives comprehensive range

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